6.5: Age of Mirrors – Screenplay (1987)

When you find out your friend is in a band and has made a record, it’s like finding out that they’re a practicing wizard, a superhero, or secret agent. It often turns music fans/friends into evangelists – “Everyone! Listen to what my friend made!” In the heady days when melancholic northern new wave roamed the earth, Graeme’s friend Bob, alias “Simon DeBeaupre”, along with his bandmates in Age of Mirrors put out 1987’s Screenplay. Graeme made sure we all had a copy. He’s still making sure of that by way of this episode of our show – thirty-five years later!

So, all these years later, how do the songs carry? What about the personal connections to the music? Do they skew the results as to how listeners judge its quality? Overall, what does the Deeper Cuts Trio think about this album? Does this record scale the cinematic heights? Or does the plot fall flat? Jump on that play button to find out.

You can take a shallow or even a deep dive into this past season courtesy of our Spotify Playlist which covers every episode, as well as the recently completed miniseries, The Live Sessions. And, hey, don’t forget to talk to us on Twitter (@deepercutscast) and to rate and review us wherever you get your podcasts!

In the episode Graeme talked about having a signed, limited edition copy of Screenplay. Here’s some photos of Graeme with that copy (which, naturally, is the first of 30!)

2 thoughts on “6.5: Age of Mirrors – Screenplay (1987)

  • I just bought this album used and have not listened to it yet. I am not really a fan of this type of music but bought it for the Bob Bryden connection. Plus I buy a ton of Ontario/Canadian lesser known albums.
    Unfortunately mine is not the limited signed version, but is in great shape.
    I hear some Gowan and even a bit of 80’s Styx thrown into the A-ha sound.
    Just a few notes about the podcast.
    I am a first time listener, so I will give some notes.
    Starting with the good:
    I do enjoy how you all get along. You all seem to be having a good time. You go into it with an open mind. You do a thorough review of this album.
    Doing a review of a lesser known Ontario band. I am happy you do the review and also promoting Bob Bryden.
    The not so good:
    The laughing. You might be having fun but the laughing is too much and weird/annoying.
    The 6 minutes at the start about random K Pop talk. Perhaps make a show about that. It had nothing to do with this album so was not needed/wanted.
    I wish there was a way to fast forward/rewind. That would have been nice for the above K Pop especially.
    The length of the show was too long imo. The same thoughts/comments etc. repeated over and over. I would have preferred it be around 30 mins or less with no K Pop, no annoying laughing, and the points being made once. It was like you have a 1 hour episode goal. The part at the very end after the 1 hour mark was especially grating.
    It was a bit of a hard listen, mostly due to the above criticisms. I realize that I do not have a podcast, so perhaps I am judging you unfairly. However, I do have friends with podcasts so I do know what I like to listen to.
    Maybe you choose to take some direction from me. Maybe not.
    I hope you do not take my criticisms personally.
    Just trying to help make your podcasts better.

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